
Latest Broadcast

A Pilot's Close Call on 9/11 - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Steve and Megan Scheibner

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A Pilot's Close Call on 9/11 - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Steve and Megan Scheibner

A Pilot's Close Call on 9/11 - Part 1

Guest: Dr. Steve and Megan Scheibner

The Eclipse of God - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer


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Gary Bauer

October 21, 2022

More "Pro-Choice" Violence

So-called "pro-choice" extremists continue to attack pro-life churches in the United States. One of the most recent took place on October 8th at the Church of the Resurrection in Lansing, Michigan. ...

October 20, 2022

Affirm Your Child's Gender Identity Or Else?

Virginia State Delegate Elizabeth Guzman wants to go after parents who don't embrace radical gender ideology. In a recent interview, she announced her intention to introduce legislation that would ...

October 19, 2022


Why is one of the largest, most influential banks in America "cancelling" a religious liberty group? The National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) is a non-partisan, faith-based, non-profit ...

October 17, 2022

America's Diplomats Going Trans?

The lights are burning late at the State Department these days. North Korea is shooting missiles into the Sea of Japan, Communist China is threatening Taiwan, and President Biden recently told a ...

October 14, 2022

Vanderbilt Backs Down

We recently told you about how a gender transitioning program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), one of the most prestigious hospital systems in the south, was exposed by the real ...

October 13, 2022

Church Attacks Continue

A Catholic church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was attacked late last week. It made little news. As students at Holy Family Classical School were having class pictures taken outside the church, a man ...

October 07, 2022

Young Women Fighting Back

The radical trans movement has relentlessly bullied anyone who questions their "gender-bending" ideology. Powerful corporate CEOs have caved to their demands. The mighty U.S. military, under "woke" ...

October 06, 2022

Brother Andrew – RIP

Dutch evangelical Anne van der Bijl, better known as 'Brother Andrew," has passed away at the age of 94. Brother Andrew was given a Bible, which he read as he was recovering from wounds he received ...