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Compelled to Speak Out

Guest: Riley Gaines


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Gary Bauer

November 07, 2022

America’s Heart and Soul are on the Ballot

"When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan." Proverbs 29:2 We are on the eve of perhaps the most consequential election in modern American history. ...

November 07, 2022

Public Says Slow Down on Trans, in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates, has released an eye-opening survey on voter attitudes toward the transgender movement. It shows deep skepticism and opposition to ...

November 04, 2022

Book Burners In Publishing?

When concerned parents try to get sexually explicit books, often with LGBTQ+ themes, out of children's libraries, they are accused of censorship and "book burning." Of course, what parents are really ...

November 02, 2022

Babies on the Ballot

If you care about innocent human life, you have to be very careful with regard to whom you cast a vote. From the moment Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, members of Congress and ...

October 31, 2022

Christian Baker "Takes the Cake"

Who says there are no miracles? Not us! A court in California ruled on Friday that a Christian baker, Cathy Miller, should not be forced to bake a custom cake for a lesbian wedding. She refused ...

October 28, 2022

Censoring Christians

Your freedom is in danger. There is a clear pattern of social media and other tech companies censoring Christians, pro-life groups, and conservatives. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted as much in ...

October 27, 2022

Suffer the Little Children

Speaking at the White House, President Joe Biden has just endorsed the sterilization and mutilation of our children. This is a sad day for our country. Here's the background. Biden invited Dylan ...

October 27, 2022

The Left Idolizes Abortion

As the abortion debate continues in America, it has been shocking to hear some of the statements made by public figures who want the slaughter of defenseless preborn babies to continue. Stacey Abrams ...