The clueless testimony presented by the presidents of three elite American universities before the House Education and the Workforce Committee has ignited a national firestorm. The hearing dealt with ...
The clueless testimony presented by the presidents of three elite American universities before the House Education and the Workforce Committee has ignited a national firestorm. The hearing dealt with ...
The transgender craze is being driven by a powerful political, medical, and cultural lobby. They insist that children have the right to consent to powerful hormones and disfiguring surgeries in order ...
There was a shocking hearing in Congress last week that most of our media basically "blacked out" so that the American people would not learn about a serious threat to our liberty. First, this is why ...
Pro-abortion extremists have shocked the pro-life movement in a string of victories on referenda across America. At least four states have amended their constitutions to permit virtually unlimited ...
Dr. James Dobson has joined with other Evangelical leaders to urge Congress to stand with Israel. In a letter released to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, ...
Sadly, in many parts of the world, it is nearly impossible for Christians to peacefully and safely celebrate the birth of Christ. From communist China to significant areas of the Islamic world, ...
All of us at JDFI hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Thanksgiving traces its roots back to the pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Our first President, George ...
The Biden administration is continuing a government-wide effort to promote LGBTQ ideology and trans insanity. From the Department of Defense to Health and Human Services, from the Justice Department ...