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When Love Ends, Part 2

Guest: Jackie M. Johnson

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When Love Ends, Part 2

Guest: Jackie M. Johnson

When Love Ends, Part 1

Guest: Jackie M. Johnson

Women Who Win

Guest: Mary Crowley


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Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson
Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

June 22, 2021

Democrats Push for Unlimited Abortion

We told you before, but this bears repeating! Just weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an important case about abortion, Democrats have reintroduced the deceptively-named "Women's ...

June 21, 2021

Texas is Fighting back

Even as our national heritage and identity face consistent attacks from the radical Left, some states are fighting back and standing up for what is right. Not surprisingly, Texas is one of them. The ...

June 17, 2021

Men in Women's Sports: Democrats Want It…Americans Don't

Congressional Democrats have made no secret of their desire to allow biological men to compete in women's sports. Look no further than the so-called "Equality Act." Once again, these "progressive" ...

June 17, 2021

Leftists Support Narrative That 3-Year-Olds Can Choose Their Own Gender

According to the Left, parents and medical professionals are unable to accurately determine a child's sex at birth. However, a 3-year-old is up to the task. The Boston Globe recently published an ...

June 17, 2021

"Pride Month" Provides Indoctrination Opportunity

The LGBT movement is working overtime to indoctrinate your children. And they're succeeding. A recent poll by Gallup found that nearly 16 percent of Americans born between 1997-2002 identify as LGBT, ...

June 16, 2021

Critical Race Theory Critiqued by Daddy-Daughter Duo

"Critical Race Theory" (CRT) has increasingly taken up residence in our children's classrooms, our government institutions, and corporate America, where it has largely been presented unchallenged and ...

June 15, 2021

When Big Tech Becomes All-Powerful

The First Amendment exists, in part, to ensure that the government will not intrude on the free exercise of religion and expression. But what happens when our largest social media corporations wield ...

June 10, 2021

Scientists Plan to Grow—and Destroy—Human Embryos

Scientists want to grow human embryos in a lab… and then destroy them. In March, reports emerged that researchers had successfully grown mice in an artificial womb for 11-12 days (half the animal's ...