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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


November 06, 2023

Antisemitism Is a Sin

Antisemitism Is a Sin

It is profoundly disturbing to see an explosion of antisemitism right here in the United States, as well as around the world. I hope there is no need to remind us all that antisemitism and racism of any kind are indisputably sins.

Hatred and racism have bedeviled mankind from "the fall" to the present day. Specifically, hatred and persecution of Jews is not only a sin, it is typically the symptom of a society/country that is sinking into evil and collapse.

As many historians have observed, antisemitism is the oldest ongoing hatred in history. This hatred is also unique in that it always includes a desire to exterminate the Jews. The Passover Seder service reflects this with the statement, "In every generation, they arise to annihilate us."

Christians have a particular obligation to speak out against antisemitism. The effort by antisemites to "erase" the history of the Jews as the indigenous population of the Holy Land would also erase Christianity. The Jews gave us the patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The meeting in the desert between God and Abraham established the fundamental truth that there is only one God (which was reinforced in interactions between God and Moses). The moral and legal foundation of Western Judeo-Christian civilization is the Ten Commandments. The "first family" of Christianity, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, were Jews.

In these times of great evil, wars and rumors of wars, and growing hatred of the Jewish people, please pray earnestly for Israel and reach out to your Jewish friends and neighbors with love and comfort. Call out and reject antisemitism wherever it shows its evil face.

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