Policy | Family Talk

Affirm Your Child's Gender Identity Or Else?

Written by Gary Bauer | October 20, 2022
Virginia State Delegate Elizabeth Guzman wants to go after parents who don't embrace radical gender ideology. In a recent interview, she announced her intention to introduce legislation that would authorize the investigation of any parent who does not affirm a child's LGBTQ+ identity. The parents would be reported to child services, and possibly be investigated by the police for a felony-level crime.

Guzman pointedly reminded Virginia parents that if they are reported to Child Protective Services (CPS), it "could harm your employment… because nowadays many people do a CPS database search before offering" a job.

Guzman's plan is outrageous, but it is not surprising. The political left is trying to erase parents. Governor Gavin Newsom of California has actually signed into law a bill that allows children to come to California for mutilating-gender surgery without parental permission.

Virginia is not California yet. There was a significant backlash against Delegate Elizabeth Guzman. Even her own Democrat allies in the state legislature ran for cover, particularly with elections around the corner.

But, make no mistake about it. There is a powerful, well-financed effort to use political power to criminalize Christian parenting and punish any parent who wants to shield his or her children from the LGBTQ+ agenda.