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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


April 11, 2022

A New Form of Justice is Coming to America—Sadly, It is One that Won't Protect Our Children

By a near-partisan U.S. Senate vote of 53 to 47, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is being celebrated as the first African American female to be confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. However, the preoccupation with her skin tone has obscured a record that could easily have been fatal to a different nominee with a similar judicial background. By me stating this is not racism, it merely is presenting reality for what it is. Sadly, we are living in a day where truth is being attacked on all fronts or flat out ignored.

Here are the facts. The public is usually resistant to judges who are seen as “soft on crime,” but Judge Jackson’s habit of leniency toward child pornography offenders is especially troubling. In all the cases she handled that dealt with these vile offenses, her sentences were below the maximum recommendation, below the minimum recommendation, and below the prosecutors' requests. But somehow that didn’t matter, and this crucial concern was unbelievably mocked or minimized by some. At a moment in history when the innocence of our children is being assaulted like never before, the Biden administration and Senate put someone on the Supreme Court with an unusually bad record of protecting it. Where is America's indignation over this?

Yet this is just the beginning of the grave concerns with her judgment.

Ketanji Brown Jackson is equally unqualified to protect the lives of our children. Asked when life begins, she said “I don’t know,” which is a virtual assurance that she will join the radical left in supporting abortion anytime, anywhere, and make sure all Americans have to pay for it despite their religious objections. Mark my word–she will not protect our most vulnerable children.

Since she doesn’t know what a person is, it follows that she doesn’t understand the difference between men and women either. When asked if she could define what a woman is, she now famously said, “I’m not a biologist” in another attempt to avoid stating the obvious for fear of the political consequences from the Left. Ironically, Judge Jackson is a woman and is being praised nationally for it. Just don’t ask her to explain what all this womanhood fuss is about. This all but assures that she will join the radical Left in further tearing down the distinctions between men and women, while at the same time encouraging children to mutilate themselves in an effort to “live authentically.”

The ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), said yesterday, “Because her record clearly shows she does not believe in or act within the limited and proper role of a judge, I will vote against her nomination.” Even some of those who supported her nomination seem to know better. Sen. Mitt Romney understood this before he flip-flopped. He voted to confirm her nomination to the Supreme Court, saying, “she is a well-qualified jurist and a person of honor.” But just last year he voted against her confirmation to the Court of Appeals. While Judge Jackson’s judicial philosophy and record haven’t changed, apparently Romney’s politics have.

Her confirmation is another reminder that elections do have consequences. Fortunately, this will not change the balance of power on the Supreme Court, but merely maintain it. However, it should be a stark warning for all Americans who stand for life, truth, and religious freedom. We must vote our values and work to ensure that Judge Jackson’s philosophy and worldview on the court is the exception and not the rule.

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