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The Fight for Female, Part 1

Guest: Lisa Bevere

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January 22, 2025

A New Day Dawns in Washington

A New Day Dawns in Washington

This week’s inauguration in a bitterly cold Washington, DC was more than just the legal transfer of power that occurs with every new president. This was a shift of fundamental values—away from the secular globalism of the last four years to Christian reform and rebuilding. We thank God, the Author of our liberty, for this change. We pray it is not too late to save our country.

The last administration was the most pro-abortion government in our history. It opposed any restrictions on abortion, even in the final months of pregnancy. All key members of the Biden-Harris administration were pro-abortion. How could God show us favor when our leaders were dedicated to destroying His children?

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Biden declared an “emergency.” He established an interagency task force whose focus was to make sure the number of abortions was as high as possible. Kamala Harris chaired the task force and became the administration’s top advocate for abortion on demand.

Harris was the first sitting vice president to tour an abortion facility. There, she praised the abortionists for their “important work.” Her campaign spent hundreds of millions of dollars running pro-abortion ads, believing that was her road to victory. Thank God it failed. 

President Trump believes the states are now the battleground on the abortion issue. Nonetheless, we believe there is a fundamental right to life in our Constitution. Sadly, we don’t yet have a majority in Congress who can pass sweeping pro-life legislation. We will be forever grateful to President Trump for his outstanding court appointments. His appointed justices are the ones who made the overturn of Roe possible. President Trump has eliminated the pro-abortion task force. 

On the first day of the Trump-Vance administration, President Trump issued hundreds of executive orders. One asserted that there are only two sexes, male and female. In doing so, the president was merely repeating what the Bible tells us in Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (ESV).

The Biden-Harris administration attacked religious liberty, pushed homosexual propaganda in elementary schools, labeled dissenting parents as potential “domestic terrorists,” prosecuted peaceful pro-life demonstrators, and infiltrated and monitored Catholic churches. JDFI fought all of these distorted anti-family, anti-religious liberty policies. We look forward to working with the Trump administration to reverse them.

The new administration has made it clear that it will preserve freedom of speech and stop censorship of Christians on social media and elsewhere. It also will reestablish the bond between Israel and the United States. President Trump has repeatedly promised to fight the growing evil of antisemitism sweeping our universities and even rearing its ugly head in the halls of Congress.

President Trump has already issued many executive orders. Legislation in the new Republican Congress will follow, as will court battles afterward. The struggle will be over fundamental questions about the kind of country we will pass on to our children and grandchildren. 

That God saved his life in Butler, Pennsylvania and has important work for him to do is something President Trump firmly believes. He knows that without the votes of millions of Evangelicals, Catholics, and other people of faith, he would have lost the election.

Now, the battle begins in earnest. This is a spiritual conflict. The Church must stand strong for faith, family, and freedom. Christians must be involved. Our work is not done. The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute is looking forward to working with our new president and Congress to make America great while making America godly again.

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